I was tempted by a political post, but it turned out to be not good enough, so I rather stop writing.
A few days of silence, then (beg your pardon - switching to English, for some English speaking people may visit this page, and after all I'm bilingual, am I not ?).
So I put at rest my writing (at least the French one) for some days. And may be my speaking, too - after all, am I not supposed to see some classes today for some readings of Romeo@Juliet and the Editions Talents Hauts ?
It's a deal, then.
But in order not to be unfair my non-Anglophiles readers, I guess there will be some post concerning other things than writing. Songs, on Lofi, may be. And for a start, a brand new sculpture (thanks to Anton and Zadig for their clay, and to Princess for her support, as always).
It's called Will you be my friend ? , and though the color are not quite what I expected, it's a first draft, and what are blogs for if no for first drafts ?

2 commentaires:
Alut les citadins c'est la famjo,
On reconnait facile le coté artistique du père!!!
J'en ai une collec sympa aussi.
L'anglais on arrive encore à suivre, si tu nous le fait en swahili ça va devenir dur, je sais que tu ne cherches pas la célébrité mais enfin, Manu, envoie un peu le pâté coté blog.
On veut du Manu du Vrai alors arrête de roucouler et tire nous les larmes du corps (celles du rire et des pleurs).
Bon roucoule quand même un peu bises à vous tous, le fomaj.
eh oh ! y fait grève le Manu Causse ou quoi ?
au blog ! feignasse...
signé l'ALBMC (l'amicale des lecteurs du blog de manu causse)
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